Sam Wight

Hi, I’m Sam.

I’m a software engineer. I write about coding, tech, history, politics, and whatever I’m interested in at the moment. During my free time, I knit / crochet, bike, shitpost on Twitter, and learn / try new things.


I’ve worked in both frontend and full-stack development and am comfortable with both. I’m very comfortable with TypeScript / JavaScript, Node, Ruby, and Elixir.

I’m proficient in these frontend frameworks:

and I’m proficient in these backend frameworks:

I’ve been programming since I was 11. I started programming professionally in 2018 with my first internship / contract position, and have done various internships and part-time positions since.

For my full professional history, see my Polywork.

Where I’m at online

You can find me on these platforms / websites:

…and on this website.

If you like my content, subscribe to my newsletter here. I only send out one email a week, and you can unsubscribe at any time. :)

Have a great day!